I am living with very small no. of certainties. I am lost. I am fighting for every day and hoping that my next day will be better than my previous day. Every day is the same. A big Constant!
Fear for a thing generates Hatred for that thing. And majority of the Pakistani's are afraid of Taliban and their Extremist Verson of Islam. May God give Taliban some sense to Preach a Less extreme version of Islam without violence. That is the only way they can achieve some success. The way they are now moving will create fear and hatred. Their way will create their control for only a short period of time and then the control will self-destruct. With Guns, they can control anybody physically but not Mentally. When the Sufi's first came to the sub-continent, they learnt the Culture of the Sub-continent. They just studied the fine details of the different traditions of the Sub-continent. They found out that Music was a good way to connect with the people. They used their common sense and utilized the Weapon of Melody and Installed the Basic Fundamentals of Islam in the Hearts and Minds of the People althought Music is considered to be HARAM by many Islam Scholars. They preached...
X- if somebody would ask me what i want the most in my Life, i would say to him that All i want is the love of that special person and keep breathing !
With a simple smile, one can create hopes and dreams. I smiled at a total stranger and she smiled back. I thought that perhaps smile is all one needs to begin new hopes and dreams. May be that is the secret ingredient to happiness and love. May be I would never be able to talk to her. But It did give me the inspiration to write on this blog. An inspiration which is very hard to find these days. Its my nature that I cant stay away from hope.A song or a smile, Hope is all I need right now. But I am not sure how long I will be able to survive like this. But unless, I see some real results I can only rely on hope and prayers.