Is there a Solution to the common Muslim problem?

Ramadan comes to an end. 30 days of muslim fasting ends with celebratory day. "Eid ul Fitr". I think I will miss Ramadan and fasting.

Well I have done some reading on MSNBC blogs and read anti-muslim comments.I read those comments and I was amazed at the people writing those comments. They were quoting Quran out of context. Some even called Quran boring(not that I have problem with what he feels. But Dude dont expect nude pictures in the Holy Book). One person called Pakistanis, Arabs and Camel Jockey(although there are few deserts in Pakistan but we are not an Arab country). Then another Indian guy proposed that Muslims should live in Pakistan and Hindus should live in India(I do believe that some individuals have border line personality disorder and see everything in black and white). Then there is another guy who says that Muhammad PBUH attacked Meccan Army of 300 in the Battle of the Badar( that is not even historically correct). Then comes the Atheist and he says, " All religions are fake and all religions are the source of wars"(Though I agree with him but this guy would not even believe in self defense and standing up for something which is right) The problem is that when a Muslim does a crime Islam is called a terrorist religion but when a crime is done against him then people say that he deserves it because he is a Muslim. And people think that Islam is the most violent religion of today. This is the mantra of today. Why am I writing this here? Because to me it all feels very absurd and stupid. Many of the comments are based on poor understanding of the religion and lack of information.
 Muslims across the world are also responsible for these things. From honor killing to the persecuting minorities for blasphemy, Muslims have brought this on themselves. But the problem can only be solved if you bring a new education system within Muslim countries, mix religion and modern education. Allow the children to understand the complexity of the religion and scientific knowledge from class 1. What you see in most of the muslims country in general and Pakistan in specific, some religious clerics have hold Islam hostage as if its there property and they think that they are defending it. We need to educate the common muslims about religion. We need to invest the brightest of our minds in Islam. Let the brightest and the brilliant run the affairs of the religion. Let the brightest lead the common muslims instead of the Politicians and Muslim Military which has been using religion for their own personal benefits.


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