My Atomic Life

I have a habbit of keeping people at a safe distance from knowing me no matter how close they are to me. Like the electrons of the atom, i keep them in different orbits. The closer, the nearer to the nucleus. As the persons from different orbits jump close to the nucleus a new aspect of the whole atom is created and as they move away from nucleus a new aspect is again created. Its impossible for the electrons to fall into the nucleus. Its devastating for the Atomic life. Moreover its impossible for the nucleus to survive alone.
Different person know me differently. The reason is that i treat them differently. I have a habbit of pushing away anyone that tries to gain entry into the small box in my heart that i keep hidden in the core of my heart ! Its an Atomic life. Moreover i think that atomic life doesnt solely belongs to me. Everyone leads his/her life like this. There are few things that you hide from the rest of the world. You feel safe by keeping these secret. Once these secrets are leaked, then you lose the whole balance of your life.


Awais Aftab said…
Its a brilliant analogy. Very good :)
Nouman said…
thank you Awais ! :)

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